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iPad OS 17 Is More of the Same: Is Apple Losing Touch with the iPad?

iPadOS 17 beta 1 doesn't bring many exclusive features to the iPad. Instead, it focuses on catching up with the features already available on iOS.
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iPadOS 17 beta 1 doesn't bring many exclusive features to the iPad. Instead, it focuses on catching up with the features already available on iOS.
iPad OS 17

When Apple introduced iPadOS with version 13.0, they aimed to give iPads their own unique identity separate from iPhones. Since then, iPadOS has gained a few exclusive features that make the tablet more like a PC replacement, such as Stage Manager. However, the first beta of iPadOS 17 doesn't contribute significantly to this evolution. The overall experience remains largely familiar and unchanged.

iPad OS 17 Is More of the Same: Is Apple Losing Touch with the iPad?

iPadOS 17 beta 1 stability:

In terms of stability, iPadOS 17 beta 1 seems to be more reliable compared to iOS 17 beta 1. It has fewer bugs and doesn't drain the battery unusually. If you're interested in trying out the beta version on your iPad, especially if you don't rely on it for important work or studies, it should be relatively safe. And if you don't like the experience, you can always switch back to the stable version.

It's important to note that iOS and iPadOS share the same foundation, with iPadOS being an expanded version of iOS. This means that some of the bugs found in iOS 17 beta 1 may also be present in iPadOS 17 beta 1. These early beta versions are not intended for use on primary devices.

iPadOS 17 beta 1 no-shows

Moving on to the features, iPadOS 17 beta 1 doesn't include certain iOS 17 features like Standby mode, Contact Posters, NameDrop, triggering AirDrop by putting devices side-by-side, and the Journal app. These features may remain exclusive to the iPhone.

iPadOS 17 beta 1 catches up with iOS

On the other hand, iPadOS 17 beta 1 does introduce some new features that were previously exclusive to the iPhone. These include interactive widgets, FaceTime reactions, and various upgrades to iMessage. Additionally, iPadOS 17 catches up with some previous iPhone features, such as the customizable Lock Screen and widgets, as well as the availability of the Apple Health app on iPads.

iPadOS 17 Beta 1 Released, Here's What's New

Apple has released the first beta of iPadOS 17 to developers, and it includes several new features and improvements. Here are some of the highlights:

Interactive widgets: 

Widgets can now be placed on the lock screen and can be interacted with, such as to start a timer or check the weather.

Customizable lock screen: 

Users can now choose from a variety of different lock screen layouts, including different wallpapers, clock styles, and widgets.

New Health app: 

The Health app has been redesigned with a new user interface and several new features, such as the ability to track sleep and menstrual cycles.

Revamped Notes app: 

The Notes app has been updated with a new design, new features, and support for PDFs.

Other improvements: 

There are several other improvements in iPadOS 17, such as improved performance, better battery life, and new security features.

The iPadOS 17 beta is available to developers now, and it will be available to the public in a few months. If you're interested in trying out the beta, you can sign up for the Apple Developer Program.

Here are some additional details about the new features of iPad 17:

Interactive widgets: 

Widgets can now be placed on the lock screen and can be interacted with, such as to start a timer or check the weather. This makes it easier to access important information without having to unlock your iPad.

Customizable lock screen: 

Users can now choose from a variety of different lock screen layouts, including different wallpapers, clock styles, and widgets. This allows users to personalize their lock screen to their liking.

New Health app: 

The Health app has been redesigned with a new user interface and several new features, such as the ability to track sleep and menstrual cycles. The new Health app makes it easier to track your health data and see how your health is changing over time.

Revamped Notes app: 

The Notes app has been updated with a new design, new features, and support for PDFs. The new Notes app makes it easier to take notes, collaborate with others, and organize your notes.

Other improvements: 

There are several other improvements in iPadOS 17, such as improved performance, better battery life, and new security features. These improvements make iPadOS 17 a more powerful and versatile operating system.

If you're an iPad user, I encourage you to try out the iPadOS 17 beta. It's a great way to get a sneak peek at the latest features and improvements coming to iPad.

iPadOS 17 beta 1 catches up with iOS

As for exclusives in iPadOS 17 beta 1, they are limited. The most notable one is the improved Stage Manager, which allows for more flexible resizing of app windows. iPad users can also use external webcams for video conferencing, such as those built into displays. Moreover, iPadOS 17 beta 1 introduces detailed planet wallpapers with finer details that take advantage of the tablet's larger display, providing a more immersive view.

In summary, iPadOS 17 beta 1 doesn't bring many new additions. Its focus is primarily on catching up with iOS by bringing iPhone features to the iPad. While it doesn't significantly contribute to the unique identity of the iPad, the beta version is stable enough for those who don't mind some occasional glitches. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if the new offerings are worth the potential downsides of using a beta release.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Narayan Kir Known as Mack the founder of Gamingsalt. I dropped out in 2012 to pursue my passion in blogging, digital marketing and training. I help people like you to learn blogging …

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